What to Expect

What to Expect Laura Hotten May 22, 2022

What to Expect

By Appointment Only

Appointments available Monday thru Friday

Specialized treatment

Precise and gentle care for acute and chronic conditions

Discover the Why

Focusing on the root cause of symptoms

Upper Cervical Care San Antonio TX

First Appointment Detailed Upper Cervical Chiropractic Assessment

Your first appointment will involve the initial consultation and evaluation of your current concerns, symptoms, and overall condition. 

Dr. Dutson will evaluate your posture, spine, and nervous system. A computerized thermography scan will help us determine whether your nervous system is properly adapting to your internal and external stressors and regulating body function.

Cone Beam CT Scanner (CBCT)

We use the latest 3D CT imaging and a computerized analysis to help us detect and precisely measure a spinal misalignment. This allows us to develop your individualized prescription for an upper cervical correction.

Please note: No spinal correction will be made on the first visit. The goal of this visit is to collect all the information that Dr. Dutson needs to determine the best approach for care. Therefore, after your first office visit we will schedule a convenient and timely follow-up appointment for you.

Second Appointment Doctor's Report of Findings

After your first appointment, we will analyze the data we collected during your initial exam. When you return to the office, Dr. Dutson will review your CBCT imaging, radiology report and exam findings with you. He will answer any questions and concerns you may have as he informs and educates you about the findings. If a misalignment has been confirmed, Dr. Dutson will discuss next steps and move forward with your spinal adjustment.  

Xray picture for upper cervical san antonio tx

Initial Spinal Adjustment

You will receive your first gentle and precise, laser-guided adjustment. This does not involve any twisting, cracking, or popping of the neck. Immediately afterward you will rest in an anti-gravity position to give your nervous system time to begin responding to the adjustment. Then we will recheck your positive neuro indicators to evaluate your body’s initial response to the adjustment.

Assessment & Plan of Action

We put the before and after upper cervical x-rays and their computerized analysis up on the big screen and together we review the changes that resulted from the initial adjustment. All questions will be answered before moving forward with care. A treatment plan will be created for you to optimize your recovery.


Let the Healing Begin

The goal of care is to reduce your spinal misalignment and improve your nervous system’s balance and function. This helps set the stage for your brain, spinal cord, and nerves to optimize your body’s function and healing potential.  

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